The second half of John covers the life of Jesus from the death of Lazarus until Jesus leaves to ascend. It reminds us of why Jesus came: to glorify God and love others. I found it encouraging that John included Mary’s distress towards Jesus regarding the death of Lazarus. She wept before Jesus and...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 74: Luke 1-12
Luke is the king of overview; it feels like a roller coaster ride through the life of Jesus. His version of the gospel contains a little bit of His life, but for the most part focuses on the ministry of Jesus. Luke emphasized following God’s law, being willing to let go of what we...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 73 : Mark 9:2-16:12
Mark continues to tell Jesus’s story from His transfiguration up until He was taken up into Heaven. Mark spent most of his time focusing on Jesus’s ministry and teachings while only spending 2 chapters on his crucifixion, death and resurrection. I was impressed by the fact that during His arrest, trial and death, Jesus...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 72: Mark 1-9:1
Mark begins when Jesus is beginning His ministry. Jesus warns the disciples and the remainder of His followers to beware of their desire to follow the traditions and rules that had been put in place by the Pharisees and social pressure from their current culture. How often do we give into society even when...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 70 Matthew 1-14
The New Testament opens with the book of Matthew. Matthew is one of the four books that make up the gospels: the story of Christ. Chapters one through fourteen covers the birth of Jesus and the beginning of His ministry. Nothing that Jesus does during the first half of Matthew is to bring glory...