This last section of Isaiah covers a lot of the prophecy concerning Christ, the new kingdom, as well as the day of judgement. While sometimes the prophecy was difficult to track, I do know that the Lord loves those who love Him and follow His ways. Even foreigners will be given room in His...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 51: Isaiah 36-49
I noticed a lot of God’s character on display in Isaiah 36-49. It is comforting to know that God is with us always, since before the beginning of creation and will continue for eternity. It boggles my mind. He is a source of comfort in all situations. We may not know or understand His...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 50: Isaiah 17-35
I am struggling with Isaiah, going back and forth, between prophecies that will happen soon to prophecies that will not happen until the new millennial kingdom occurs and that is okay. I feel like I am listening to a story told by a 5 year that does not have the concept of linear time...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 49: Isaiah 1-16
Isaiah contains a lot of prophecy about the Messiah and the coming new kingdom and warnings concerning Israel’s actions. I was most fascinated by the passage covering Isaiah observing before the Lord’s throne. I can’t imagine how much in awe he must of been. Isaiah freaked out; he felt that he was not worthy...