This last section of Ezekiel was difficult for me to read, maybe because my brain was done at the end of each day (after working from home, coaching a first grader through learning and keeping a preschooler occupied, it took me two evenings to read and understand) or it might have been the fact...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 60: Ezekiel 25-36
I am 2/3 of the way through the Bible! I am not as excited at this milestone as I was with others, maybe because I’m just trying to keep on going right now, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I cannot recommend more to read your Bible in it’s...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 59: Ezekiel 13-24
Jerusalem is under siege, about to fall. He spends chapters 13 through 24 telling parables to those in exile how Israel has over and over rebelled against their God, comparing her to a whoring wife who betrays her husband with anyone she can find. The pictures that Ezekiel creates are disturbing, but true. Israel...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 56: Jeremiah 40-52
Jerusalem has fallen and almost every citizen has been carried off to Babylon. God’s promise of destruction for their idol worship has come true. Despite all of the prophecies from Jeremiah and other prophets coming true, the few remaining refused to believe him when he said not to go to Egypt. We can be...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 55: Jeremiah 27-39
As I’ve continued through 90 Days Through The Bible, I’ve hit a wall. My schedule has been messed with, I’ve been fighting a rundown body and really have very little motivation to read more about how Israel refuses to repent for their sins and will now face destruction and I am trying to grant...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 54: Jeremiah 14-26
Jeremiah has continued to warn Israel/Judah of their coming destruction as a result of their behavior: straying from God, worshipping idols. There is hope for those that accept their punishment, those that surrender to the Chaldeans will eventually be redeemed after their exile and returned and made prosperous. Eventually, the Lord will send His...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 53: Jeremiah 1-13
Jeremiah is called by the Lord to serve as a warning to Judah and Israel to run back to God. The Lord tells him to have no fear even though he is young. Over and over he warns Judah and Israel to turn back to God. Otherwise, there will be disaster and destruction from the...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 52: Isaiah 50-66
This last section of Isaiah covers a lot of the prophecy concerning Christ, the new kingdom, as well as the day of judgement. While sometimes the prophecy was difficult to track, I do know that the Lord loves those who love Him and follow His ways. Even foreigners will be given room in His...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 51: Isaiah 36-49
I noticed a lot of God’s character on display in Isaiah 36-49. It is comforting to know that God is with us always, since before the beginning of creation and will continue for eternity. It boggles my mind. He is a source of comfort in all situations. We may not know or understand His...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 50: Isaiah 17-35
I am struggling with Isaiah, going back and forth, between prophecies that will happen soon to prophecies that will not happen until the new millennial kingdom occurs and that is okay. I feel like I am listening to a story told by a 5 year that does not have the concept of linear time...