90 Days Through The Bible: Day 75: Luke 13-24

As I finished reading Luke, I heard over and over: serve others, serve, serve, serve. Jesus the Son of God came to serve us. He left heaven and came to earth to live as a man to die on a cross to bring us back to God. He came to serve. Jesus is asking us to do the same thing: serve others, and serve God.


Luke 13-24


  • All sinners are equal.
  • Barren Fig Tree – give me a chance to produce fruit, feed nutrients, if it does not respond then cut it down.
  • Jesus healed a woman on the Sabbath – made synagogue rulers angry (only heal 6 days) Jesus called them hypocrites.
  • Kingdom of God is like the mustard seed and leaven: start tiny but grows big.
  • Many will seek to enter the kingdom, but will not be able to.
  • Jesus lamented over Jerusalem because over and over they rejected and killed prophets sent to them.
  • Helping on the Sabbath is not unlawful.
  • Parable of wedding feast: do not take the high place, be humble first and you’ll be exalted.
  • Serve those who cannot return the favor, will be repaid at the resurrection -> do not make excuses to join Him
  • Cost of discipleship is to put Jesus first always – over everything
  • Parable of lost sheep: Pharisees grumbled because Jesus ate with sinners – He is like the shepherd who leaves 99 to find the lost 1.
  • Parable of lost coin: be like the woman who rejoices when she finds a lost coin.
  • Prodigal son: son asks for inheritance, leaves and spends it all. He returns home and his father celebrates His return.
  • Parable of dishonest manager: those faithful with little will be faithful with much.
    • Cannot serve 2 masters: pick one – God or money
  • Pharisees love the opposite of what God loved.
  • Rich man/Lazarus: you alone are responsible for hearing the Word of God.
  • Temptation to sin is there, but if someone sins and repents – forgive them.
  • Your faith is what gives you power – be willing to serve the Lord.
  • Jesus cleansed 10 lepers, but only 1 returned to praise Him – show thankfulness
  • Son of Man must suffer and be rejected, life will continue until His return.
  • God hears our prayers and will answer them.
  • Kingdom of God belongs to those who have child-like faith.
  • Jesus foretells His death a 3rd time, and healed a blind man with faith.
  • Jesus ate with Zacchaeus (tax collector) and was served joyfully – Zacchaeus repented and restored fourfold what he had taken.
  • Parable of 10 minus – upon His return, enemies will be destroyed, those who do will be given more.
  • Jesus sent disciples ahead to Jerusalem for a colt. He rode into town celebrated as a King.
  • Jesus cleaned the temple and taught daily. Pharisees tried to challenge His authority but could not answer His questions.
  • Parable of the wicked tenants: Just as tenants rejected the owner, the cornerstone (Jesus) will be rejected.
  • Give to Caesar what is his and give to God what is His. (Widow gave everything to the Lord)
  • Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple, wars, persecution and destruction of Jerusalem.
  • The Son of Man will come in a cloud with glory and power, until be aware and pray for strength.
  • Judas agreed to betray Jesus at Passover.
  • Jesus celebrated Passover with the disciples and taught the Lord’s Supper: bread/body & wine/blood.
  • Disciples began fighting over who was the greatest -> Jesus taught them to be servant-leaders.
  • Jesus went to pray at Mount of Olives and arrested (betrayed by Judas’s kiss) by chief priests.
  • Peter denied Jesus 3 times while waiting.
  • Jesus was mocked, beaten and given a guilty verdict by council who then sent Him to Pilate to be executed, but Pilate found Him not guilty and sent to Herod who sent Him back to Pilate.
    • Pilate tried to set Jesus free but the crowd wanted Barabas freed, so he sent Jesus to be crucified.
  • Jesus was crucified between 2 criminals.
  • Joseph of Arimathea got permission to bury Jesus.
  • Women went to tomb but found it empty and were told He is Risen.
  • Women tried to tell disciples but they did not believe.
  • Jesus appeared to 2 disciples while traveling to Emmaus.
    • Jesus then appeared to all and they were told to stay until they received the Holy Spirit.
    • Then He ascended up into heaven

Help me to remember:

to be a servant leader, to live humbly.

Lord, I ask that . . .

I have an open heart to receive your instruction.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

for Your sacrifice on the cross to wash away my sins and for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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