90 Days Through The Bible: Day 51: Isaiah 36-49

I noticed a lot of God’s character on display in Isaiah 36-49. It is comforting to know that God is with us always, since before the beginning of creation and will continue for eternity. It boggles my mind. He is a source of comfort in all situations. We may not know or understand His plan, but He does. He goes before us, His Word holds true for all of eternity.Every time that I am reminded of who God is, I can only shake my head in awe. He even sent someone who did not know the Lord to help rescue Israel from Babylon. What was most awesome part of God’s character that you read while in Isaiah 36-49?


Isaiah 36-49


  • Sennachrib, King of Assyria captured cities in Judah and sent Rabshakah to besiege Jerusalem. They harassed Jerusalem, tired to get them to doubt God – but they did not respond.
  • King Hezekiah sought Isaiah and the Lord: do not fear, I will deliver you of them.
  • King of Cush sent letter to convince Jerusalem to surrender. God would not deliver.
  • Hezekiah prayed for deliverance. -> God premised deliverance and restoration in 3 years.
  • The Lord promised Assyria would not attack Jerusalem.
    • The Lord sent an angel to kill 185,00 Assyrians.
  • Hezekiah was ill (about to die) and prayed to the Lord. He was granted 15 more years of life.
  • Babylonian King sent gifts to Hezekiah, in return Hezekiah showed all of the treasure.
    • As a result, one day everything would be carried off by Babylon.
  • The Lord will go before you, His Word will stand forever.
  • The Lord our creator is everlasting and immeasurable.
  • Fear not, for I (God) am with you always.
  • Idols have no power. I am God and will fulfill the prophecies.
  • Jesus <- I will send my chosen to serve quietly and He will bring justice to the earth.
  • The Lord is mighty against His enemies.
  • Sing praise to the Lord for darkness will be turned to light.
  • Israel has turned deaf and blind to the Lord -> But I will be with Israel for I am their savior.
  • I will destroy Babylon and I will deliver you,
    • I have forgiven your sins, but there is still a consequence: exile.
  • I have chosen Israel as mine.
  • I am the first and the last, Redeemer, there is no other God.
  • How foolish are those that create idols, they provide nothing for you.
  • Lord: I will restore Jerusalem & rebuild her & the temple through Cyrus.
  • The Lord sends cCyrus to defend the Babylonians, even though he did not know the Lord.
  • One day, the earth will be covered in righteous ness.
  • The wealth of Egypt & Cush will be yours, Israel.
  • Even though the world was void at the beginning. I did not create it at empty.
  • Only, I am God, for idols cannot move themselves. I laid out the plan from the beginning & have followed it through with more to come.
  • Eventually, Babylon will fall before the Lord.
  • I have tried to refine Israel, but they are obstinate.
  • The Lord calls to Israel and tells them to take a chance to leave Babylon and return home.
  • Lord: Israel, I have not forgotten about you, I will restore you to your land and destroy your enemies.

Help me to remember:

that You are always there, You are God, You have had a plan since before creation and it is goof.

Lord, I ask that . . .

I do not turn deaf and blind to You!

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

the knowledge that You will not forget us!

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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