As I finished reading Luke, I heard over and over: serve others, serve, serve, serve. Jesus the Son of God came to serve us. He left heaven and came to earth to live as a man to die on a cross to bring us back to God. He came to serve. Jesus is asking us to do the same thing: serve others, and serve God.
Luke 13-24
- All sinners are equal.
- Barren Fig Tree – give me a chance to produce fruit, feed nutrients, if it does not respond then cut it down.
- Jesus healed a woman on the Sabbath – made synagogue rulers angry (only heal 6 days) Jesus called them hypocrites.
- Kingdom of God is like the mustard seed and leaven: start tiny but grows big.
- Many will seek to enter the kingdom, but will not be able to.
- Jesus lamented over Jerusalem because over and over they rejected and killed prophets sent to them.
- Helping on the Sabbath is not unlawful.
- Parable of wedding feast: do not take the high place, be humble first and you’ll be exalted.
- Serve those who cannot return the favor, will be repaid at the resurrection -> do not make excuses to join Him
- Cost of discipleship is to put Jesus first always – over everything
- Parable of lost sheep: Pharisees grumbled because Jesus ate with sinners – He is like the shepherd who leaves 99 to find the lost 1.
- Parable of lost coin: be like the woman who rejoices when she finds a lost coin.
- Prodigal son: son asks for inheritance, leaves and spends it all. He returns home and his father celebrates His return.
- Parable of dishonest manager: those faithful with little will be faithful with much.
- Cannot serve 2 masters: pick one – God or money
- Pharisees love the opposite of what God loved.
- Rich man/Lazarus: you alone are responsible for hearing the Word of God.
- Temptation to sin is there, but if someone sins and repents – forgive them.
- Your faith is what gives you power – be willing to serve the Lord.
- Jesus cleansed 10 lepers, but only 1 returned to praise Him – show thankfulness
- Son of Man must suffer and be rejected, life will continue until His return.
- God hears our prayers and will answer them.
- Kingdom of God belongs to those who have child-like faith.
- Jesus foretells His death a 3rd time, and healed a blind man with faith.
- Jesus ate with Zacchaeus (tax collector) and was served joyfully – Zacchaeus repented and restored fourfold what he had taken.
- Parable of 10 minus – upon His return, enemies will be destroyed, those who do will be given more.
- Jesus sent disciples ahead to Jerusalem for a colt. He rode into town celebrated as a King.
- Jesus cleaned the temple and taught daily. Pharisees tried to challenge His authority but could not answer His questions.
- Parable of the wicked tenants: Just as tenants rejected the owner, the cornerstone (Jesus) will be rejected.
- Give to Caesar what is his and give to God what is His. (Widow gave everything to the Lord)
- Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple, wars, persecution and destruction of Jerusalem.
- The Son of Man will come in a cloud with glory and power, until be aware and pray for strength.
- Judas agreed to betray Jesus at Passover.
- Jesus celebrated Passover with the disciples and taught the Lord’s Supper: bread/body & wine/blood.
- Disciples began fighting over who was the greatest -> Jesus taught them to be servant-leaders.
- Jesus went to pray at Mount of Olives and arrested (betrayed by Judas’s kiss) by chief priests.
- Peter denied Jesus 3 times while waiting.
- Jesus was mocked, beaten and given a guilty verdict by council who then sent Him to Pilate to be executed, but Pilate found Him not guilty and sent to Herod who sent Him back to Pilate.
- Pilate tried to set Jesus free but the crowd wanted Barabas freed, so he sent Jesus to be crucified.
- Jesus was crucified between 2 criminals.
- Joseph of Arimathea got permission to bury Jesus.
- Women went to tomb but found it empty and were told He is Risen.
- Women tried to tell disciples but they did not believe.
- Jesus appeared to 2 disciples while traveling to Emmaus.
- Jesus then appeared to all and they were told to stay until they received the Holy Spirit.
- Then He ascended up into heaven
Help me to remember:
to be a servant leader, to live humbly.
Lord, I ask that . . .
I have an open heart to receive your instruction.
Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .
for Your sacrifice on the cross to wash away my sins and for the gift of the Holy Spirit.