90 Days Through The Bible: Day 53: Jeremiah 1-13

Jeremiah is called by the Lord to serve as a warning to Judah and Israel to run back to God. The Lord tells him to have no fear even though he is young. Over and over he warns Judah and Israel to turn back to God. Otherwise, there will be disaster and destruction from the north. Those that survive the destruction will live in exile and serve others in foreign lands. The Lord asks them to return to Him again and again and they refuse, preferring to worship their idols. Are there idols that you are worshipping? Sins or behaviors that we need to seek forgiveness for and change?


Jeremiah 1-13


  • Jeremiah was a prophet during reign of Josiah, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah.
  • The Lord called Jeremiah – do not be afraid because of your youth.
  • Lord asked Jeremiah what he saw 1. an almond branch 2. a boiling pot facing away from the north – it means disaster comes from the north to Judah for forsaking God.
  • Lord to Jeremiah: Do not fear them for I am with you.
  • Tell Jerusalem: You loved me – followed me, you were holy, but you have forgotten me.
  • The Lord is the fountain of living waters.
  • What do you get by seeking aid from Egypt and Assyria?
  • You “wash” but you sin and guilt are still there.
  • House of Israel will be shamed for forsaking God.
  • You only seek me in times of trouble, what about your idols, why don’t they save you?
  • You follow your own paths.
  • Faithless Israel is more righteous than Judah.
    • Israel return to God and I will bring you back to Zion, heal your faithlessness.
  • Israel return to me: remove your idols and swear the Lord lives in truth, justice and in righteousness.
    • will bring glory in Him
  • Lord to Judah and Jerusalem: remove the foreskin of your heart, circumcise yourself.
  • Lord will bring you disaster and destruction to Judah from the north -> bring judgement
  • Judah – wash your heart of evil – so can be saved.
  • There is anguish over the destruction to Judah – cities forsaken
  • A search for those that follow the Lord, turned up no one.
  • Judgement against Israel: I will bring against you a nation from afar.
  • You served foreign gods in your land, so you will serve foreigners in a land not yours.
  • Disaster looms from the north, a siege against Jerusalem comes – my wrath.
  • You should look for a good way and walk in it, but you refuse.
  • Amend your ways and I will allow you to stay.
  • Jeremiah mourns for his people and their rejection of God.
  • Boast in knowing and understanding God’s continuing love, justice and righteousness.
  • The Lord is a living, true God – the everlasting king, who created the world.
  • Your idols are false.
  • Curse those who do not listen to the words of the covenant: obey my commandments and you will be my people and I will be your God and give you land of Canaan (milk & honey)
  • Jeremiah: Why do the wicked prosper?
  • Israel is the beloved of His soul.
  • Put a sackcloth on your waist then hide a cloth, near the Euphrates. Many days later, go get it -> it is now useless.
  • I will take the jars of water and they will turn into wine and destroy them -> a sign of what to come.
  • Turn to the Lord or be taken captive, live in exile.

Help me to remember:

Lord begged Israel and Judah to return to Him. He sought, chased after them. He continues to warn them of the coming consequences for their actions.

Lord, I ask that . . .

I see the coming consequences for my actions, my sins and change my behavior and seek your forgiveness.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

Your love and desire for us – Your willingness to correct us.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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