90 days through the bible 1 chronicles 1-14

Day 30: 1 Chronicles 1-14

90 Days Through The Bible

Thirty days. I am one-third of the way through reading the Bible!  Yeah! While I still love reading my Bible, I still do struggle with it: some days are just difficult to read, some days are difficult to summarize and others I just don’t really want to do, I want rest. However, I have stuck with it, and am so incredibly proud of myself. I have been convicted of things I need to work on. My newfound Biblical knowledge has even caught my husband off-guard with a fact He didn’t remember about Saul: that he sought out a medium to ask dead Samuel a question. I have a feeling that Easter is going to be pretty special this year. I will have read ALL of God’s Word by then and am excited to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection as defined by what I have read so far, we NEED Him.

1 Chronicles starts off with a huge genealogy account from Adam through Abraham to Israel/Jacob continuing on to David and then some. While not an incredibly interesting read, it amazed me that He wanted all of those names in the Bible. Those people are important to God. He knew them all by name, just as He knows us by name. Even though, we do not deserve it, we are loved by Him! If God loves those people, then I should be loving those around me.

“All these, men of war, arrayed in battle order, came to Hebron with a whole heart to make David, king over all Israel. Likewise, all the rest of Israel were of a single mind to make David king.” 1 Chronicles 12: 38


1 Chronicles 1-14


  • Chapter 1: Reviews genealogy from Adam to Abraham then Abraham to Jacob/Israel. Abraham ->I Isaac -> Israel
  • Chapter 2: Genealogy of David from Israel on.
    • Israel -> Judah -> Perez -> Hezron -> Ram -> Amminadab -> Nashon -> Salmon -> Boaz -> Obed -> Jesse -> David (7th son)
  • Chapter 3: Descendants of David
  • Chapter 4: Descendants of Judah-one of the descendents was Jabez. He was more honorable than his brothers. The tribe of Judah were linen workers and potters.
  • Chapter 4: Descendants of Simeon-defeated Meunites and Amalekites.
  • Chapter 5: Descendants of Reuben-lived in the east, defeated Hagrites in days of Saul, lived in tents and tended livestock
  • Descendants of Gad-lived near Reuben, prevailed over their enemies, and were skilled warriors
  • Half-tribe of Manasseh – numerous but worshipped gods of the peoples of the land, were taken into exile by Pul of Assyria with Reubenites and Gad
  • Chapter 6: Levites – ministered to the people through songs, service to the tabernacles, along with the sons of Aaron who were in charge of offerings.
  • Chapter 7: Descendants of Issachar, Benjamin, Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim and Asher
  • Chapter 8: Genealogy of Israel’s first King, Saul, a Benjaminite.
  • Chapter 9: Genealogy of returned exiles – first to return after the exile to Babylon were priests, Levites and some from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh.
  • Chapter 10: Recounts Saul’s death, Saul fell on his sword so as to prevent death by Philistines. Saul died as a result of a breach of faith: sought guidance from a medium.
  • Chapter 11: David was anointed king by Samuel and captured Jerusalem from the Jebusites, making it the capital of Israel.
  • Descriptions of David’s mighty men, 33 in all. These were the men who joined David while hiding from Saul.
  • There were near 350,000 men who showed their support to make David, King of Israel after Saul’s death.
  • David wanted to bring the ark from Kirath-jearim to Jerusalem.
    • While they were moving the ark, Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the ark and was killed by God. So they left if with Obed-edom out of fear.
  • David built a house for himself. He took move wives and had more children.
  • David defeated the Philistines.

Help me to remember:

God loves people. He spent 9 chapters recounting the genealogy of His people by name.

Lord, I ask that . . .

I love people like You do. I want to remember them by name, and remember to show them kindness.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

the fact that You know everyone by name and love them.


Have you checked out the Spotify playlist for 90 Days Through the Bible?

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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