Day 28: 2 Kings 1-12

90 Days Through The Bible

The further I get into the Bible, it feels like there are more people who resist God than those who walk in His ways. I feel like I read over and over so and so became king and ruled some number of years and did evil in the sight of the Lord. Even the kings who sort of follow God, refuse to step up and be leaders for God. They consistently leave the high places of idols and other gods in place. The only question that Elisha seems to be asked is will I survive this sickness. God told His people to take care of widows, but a widow approaches Elisha asking what she should do to pay off her debts besides selling her children. The few who do walk with the Lord, or served those who did are rewarded. How are you walking with the Lord or are you seeking the world’s idols?


2 Kings 1-12


  • Ahaziah fell and was ill. When Ahaziah sent word to ask Baal if he would recover, Elijah responded with no, because you don’t seek God. Ahaziah sent a captain and 50 men two times, but they were consumed with fire each time. The 3rd captain sent plead for his life, and Elijah agreed to go with and told Ahaziah his fate. Ahaziah died and Jehoram became King of Israel.
  • Elijah was taken up into Heaven by chariots and horses of fire. Before Elijah was taken, Elisha asked for a double portion of his spirit.
  • As Elisha was leaving Bethel, he was made fun of by boys for being bald, so he cursed them and 42 were killed by bears.
  • Jehoram became king of Israel and did evil.
  • Israel and Judah went to war against Moab for rebelling against Israel. Elisha blessed their armies with water when non was to be found and told them they would be victorious. They were victorious until the King of Edom sacrificed his oldest son and invoked God’s wrath.
  • God provided oil for the widow to sell to be able to pay off her debts with enough to live off of.
  • A wealthy Shunammite woman offered continuing hospitality for Elisha and as a thank you, she asked to be blessed with a child. Elisha granted it.
  • Elisha raised the Shunammite’s son from the dead.
  • Naaman, a Syrian had leprosy and sought out to be healed by Elisha. Elisha told him to go dip into the Jordan 7 times. Eventually, he obeyed and was healed. Elisha turned down the gifts but his servant, Gehazi, secretly asked for money and clothes from Naaman. He was cursed for his greed with leprosy.
  • Syrua attacked Israel. They were blinded and brought before King of Israel. Once there they were given their sight back. They were fed and sent home. Syria did not send raids to Israel again.
  • Ben-Haded attacked/besieged Samaria during a drought/famine. King of Israel grew impatient and send word to Elisha. Elisha promised food the next day. The Lord sent the sound of a large army and the Syrians fled, leaving everything.  4 lepers discovered the deserted camp sand went to tell the King. There was an abundance of food for Samaria/Israel.
  • Ben-Haded sent Hazael to Elisha to see if he would recover. Elisha told him he would recover, but knew he’d die by Hazael’s hand. Hazael told Ben-Haded he would live, but killed him the next day.
  • Jehoram became king of Judah, ruled 8 years and did evil.
  • Ahaziah ruled after Jehoram in Judah, ruled 1 year and did evil.
  • Elisha anointed Jehu as King of Israel and Jehi killed Joram, and Ahaziah (house of Ahab) for revenged against Jezebel for killing the prophets. Jehu killed Jezebel and all Ahab’s descendants.
  • Jehu gathered all the people who worshipped Baal and killed them, then destroyed the house of Baal. It was turned into a latrine.
  • When Athaliah saw her son, Ahaziah was dead, she killed all his heirs and became queen.
  • But Joash was sent to and hidden by Jehoiada. At 7 years old, Jehoiada crowned Joash as King, Athaliah was put to death.
  • Joash wanted to make repairs to the temple, but the priests had not made any repairs, so he took control and gave the money directly to the workers.
  • Out of fear, Joash paid off Hazael with the treasury and sacred things so as not to be attacked.
  • Joash was killed by his servants.

Help me to remember:

those who offered hospitality towards others were rewarded.

Lord, I ask that . . .

my heart is focused on You and I am continually sharing Your Name with others through my actions.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

the reminder that greed has no place in my heart.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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