The second half of 1 Chronicles mainly outlines all of David’s preparations for Solomon to build the temple. He knows that his son is inexperienced and is trying to set him up for success as best as he can. He reorganizes the Levites into new roles serving the Lord, he gathers supplies for building...
Day 11: Numbers 9-20
Continuing on through Numbers, we see that the Israelites are a doubting nation. Israel has become a whining, ungrateful and untrusting congregation. The Lord is providing food for them, but it is not good enough. He has given them leaders that have a direct line to God to tell them what to do and...
Day 10: Numbers 1-8
This passage of Numbers was comforting to read for my need to have everything in it’s proper place, and was a refreshing change of pace compared to the Law of Leviticus. Moses is called by God to take a census of all the men aged 20 years and over of each tribe, the warriors and...
Day 7: Exodus 29-40
One week down, only 83 days of reading left. In Exodus 29-40, the Israelites quickly stray from God and build a golden calf as a god, but face severe consequences for their actions. The speed in which the Israelites go from we have been delivered to we have no God, He has left us...
Day 6: Exodus 15:22-28
Immediately after escaping the Egyptian army through the Red Sea, one of the first thing the Israelites do is complain about bitter water. A little later they complained that they were hungry, saying they would have been better off in Egypt and the Lord heard their cries. He answered it with manna every morning...