The second half of 1 Chronicles mainly outlines all of David’s preparations for Solomon to build the temple. He knows that his son is inexperienced and is trying to set him up for success as best as he can. He reorganizes the Levites into new roles serving the Lord, he gathers supplies for building...
Day 30: 1 Chronicles 1-14
Thirty days. I am one-third of the way through reading the Bible! Yeah! While I still love reading my Bible, I still do struggle with it: some days are just difficult to read, some days are difficult to summarize and others I just don’t really want to do, I want rest. However, I have...
Day 20: Judges 13-21
The second half of Judges contains stories that are filled with disobedience of the Law, and show just how far away Israel has fallen from God. The last verse of Judges is a pretty good summary of the book: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what is right in...
Day 18: Joshua 13-24
Israel now has a home. They have expelled most of the Canaanites, and the land is being divided up among the tribes; it is a time for rest. Before his death, Joshua reminds the Israelites that they have been victorious in what they have done but only because the Lord has fought for them....
Day 15: Deuteronomy 11-25
Moses is continuing his last address to the nation of Israel before they enter the promised land. While Moses reviews some of the Law and includes some that had previously not been mentioned, he also covers the reasons why we should obey the commandments. We are told to surround and immerse ourselves with God’s...
Day 11: Numbers 9-20
Continuing on through Numbers, we see that the Israelites are a doubting nation. Israel has become a whining, ungrateful and untrusting congregation. The Lord is providing food for them, but it is not good enough. He has given them leaders that have a direct line to God to tell them what to do and...
Day 10: Numbers 1-8
This passage of Numbers was comforting to read for my need to have everything in it’s proper place, and was a refreshing change of pace compared to the Law of Leviticus. Moses is called by God to take a census of all the men aged 20 years and over of each tribe, the warriors and...