Even though chapters 1-12 only take up a little more than 10 pages in my Bible, it is full of details to take to heart. There is so much to take in about David becoming King of Judah and then of all of Israel. Throughout, David seeks God for guidance, pours out his thankful...
Day 23: 1 Samuel 16-31
Continuing through the remainder of 1 Samuel, the theme of prayer continues. It was striking the difference between Saul and David. Saul is impulsive and rash, while David is constantly asking for wisdom from God in his pursuits. Over and over David trusts in the Lord, knowing that He will remove Saul in His...
Day 22: 1 Samuel 1-15
In this 90 days through the Bible study, it never ceases to amaze me when I learn something from a passage that is unexpected. The first half of 1 Samuel is about the beginning of Samuel’s life, and Israel’s first king, Saul. Little did I expect that the importance of prayer would be the...