This last section of Ezekiel was difficult for me to read, maybe because my brain was done at the end of each day (after working from home, coaching a first grader through learning and keeping a preschooler occupied, it took me two evenings to read and understand) or it might have been the fact...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 60: Ezekiel 25-36
I am 2/3 of the way through the Bible! I am not as excited at this milestone as I was with others, maybe because I’m just trying to keep on going right now, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I cannot recommend more to read your Bible in it’s...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 59: Ezekiel 13-24
Jerusalem is under siege, about to fall. He spends chapters 13 through 24 telling parables to those in exile how Israel has over and over rebelled against their God, comparing her to a whoring wife who betrays her husband with anyone she can find. The pictures that Ezekiel creates are disturbing, but true. Israel...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 58: Ezekiel 1-12
God chooses Ezekiel to be His mouthpiece to those in exile in Babylon. He serves as a warning, a watchman for the people of Israel. Ezekiel has visions from the Lord that show him what is taking place in the Lord’s throne room, as well as what is taking place behind closed doors in...