God chooses Ezekiel to be His mouthpiece to those in exile in Babylon. He serves as a warning, a watchman for the people of Israel. Ezekiel has visions from the Lord that show him what is taking place in the Lord’s throne room, as well as what is taking place behind closed doors in...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 55: Jeremiah 27-39
As I’ve continued through 90 Days Through The Bible, I’ve hit a wall. My schedule has been messed with, I’ve been fighting a rundown body and really have very little motivation to read more about how Israel refuses to repent for their sins and will now face destruction and I am trying to grant...
90 Days Through The Bible: Day 51: Isaiah 36-49
I noticed a lot of God’s character on display in Isaiah 36-49. It is comforting to know that God is with us always, since before the beginning of creation and will continue for eternity. It boggles my mind. He is a source of comfort in all situations. We may not know or understand His...