90 Days Through the Bible

I’ve read parts of the Bible but have never read the Bible in its entirety.  I wanted to read the Bible in its entirety to get a good overview of what the Bible says.  I felt like if I did it over the course of a year, I would lose parts of the story, so I decided to read all of it in 90 days. I found several plans, but didn’t like how some of the stories were broken into chunks so I made my own plan by skimming the Bible and looking for good breaking points.  I would love if you followed along with me.  By starting on January 13, 2020, I will finish the day before Easter on April 11, 2020.

I created the Honeycomb Wisdom Journal Notes in order to have a place to keep my notes organized.  So please feel free to follow along and do your own 90 Days through the Bible.

I’m excited to see where this journey takes me and would love to here from you how your 90 days through the Bible journey goes.


90 Days Through The Bible

Day 1: Genesis 1-16

Day 2: Genesis 17-28

Day 3: Genesis 29-38

Day 4: Genesis 39-50

Day 5: Exodus 1-15:21

Day 6: Exodus 15:22-28

Day 7: Exodus 29-40

Day 8: Leviticus 1-15

Day 9: Leviticus 16-27

Day 10: Numbers 1-8

Day 11: Numbers 9-20

Day 12: Numbers 21-29

Day 13: Numbers 30-36

Day 14: Deuteronomy 1-10

Day 15: Deuteronomy 11-25

Day 16: Deuteronomy 26-34

Day 17: Joshua 1-12

Day 18: Joshua 13-24

Day 19: Judges 1-12

Day 20: Judges 13-21

Day 21: Ruth

Day 22: 1 Samuel 1-15

Day 23: 1 Samuel 16-31

Day 24: 2 Samuel 1-12

Day 25: 2 Samuel 13-24

Day 26: 1 Kings 1-11

Day 27: 1 Kings 12-22

Day 28: 2 Kings 1-12

Day 29: 2 Kings 13-25

Day 30: 1 Chronicles 1-14

Day 31: 1 Chronicles 15-29

Day 32: 2 Chronicles 1-16

Day 33: 2 Chronicles 17-36

Day 34: Ezra

Day 35: Nehemiah

Day 36: Esther

Day 37: Job 1-14

Day 38: Job 15-28

Day 39: Job 29-42

Day 40: Psalms 1-30

Day 41: Psalms 31-60

Day 42: Psalms 61-90

Day 43: Psalms 91-120

Day 44: Psalms 121-150

Day 45: Proverbs 1-15

Day 46: Proverbs 16-31

Day 47: Ecclesiastes

Day 48: Song of Solomon

Day 49: Isaiah 1-16

Day 50: Isaiah 17-35

Day 51: Isaiah 36-49

Day 52: Isaiah 50-66

Day 53: Jeremiah 1-13

Day 54: Jeremiah 14-26

Day 55: Jeremiah 27-39

Day 56: Jeremiah 40-52

Day 57: Lamentations

Day 58: Ezekiel 1-12

Day 59: Ezekiel 13-24

Day 60: Ezekiel 25-36

Day 61: Ezekiel 37-48

Day 62: Daniel

Day 63: Hosea

Day 64: Joel & Amos

Day 65: Obadiah & Jonah

Day 66: Micah & Nahum

Day 67: Habukkak, Zephaniah & Haggai

Day 68: Zechariah

Day 69: Malachi

Day 70: Matthew 1-14

Day 71: Matthew 15-28

Day 72: Mark 1-9:1

Day 73: Mark 9:2-16

Day 74: Luke 1-12

Day 75: Luke 13-24

Day 76: John 1-10

Day 77: John 11-21

Day 78: Acts 1-14

Day 79: Acts 15-28

Day 80: Romans

Day 81: 1 Corinthians

Day 82: 2 Corinthians

Day 83: Galatians & Ephesians

Day 84: Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Day 85: 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, & Philemon

Day 86: Hebrews

Day 87: James, 1 & 2 Peter

Day 88: 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude

Day 89: Revelations 1-11

Day 90: Revelations 12-22


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Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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