90 Days Through The Bible: Day 80: Romans

Romans is a letter written by Paul to the Romans in his absence. Throughout Romans, Paul reminds us that we are responsible for our faith. We are equal in our sin and equal in the ability to access salvation. When we choose to believe that Christ died for our sins, we are covered in His grace. God opened up salvation to not only His people, but to everyone. Once have accepted God’s love for us, we are asked to use those talents for Him. God created all of us as unique individuals that have unique purposes with our own free will. We get to choose how to use those talents and skills, and while serving the world can get us things we may think we want, that is not always what is best for us. I need to rely on God to help direct me in where He wants me to go, where I need to serve and how to best use my talents to honor and glorify Him. What gifts and talents has God given you? Have you asked Him how to use them? Where He’d like you to use them? His answer will not be a static, always the same answer. As we go through life we need to repeatedly ask how we can best serve the Lord in the various seasons of life and make the choice to follow His lead.




  • Letter written by Paul to the Roman believers.
  • Paul prays for them and hopes to be able to go to Rome soon.
  • The righteous live by faith but those who deny the truth of who God is will face the wrath of God.
  • We have no right to judge others for only God has the right to judge. God will judge us based on our actions.
  • As a Jew, you cannot rely on the law or circumcision to save you, for all with sin are to be judged – no longer righteous.
  • Everyone is equal, everyone sins – does not matter if Jew or Gentile, whole world is held accountable to sin.
  • We no longer require the law to be blameless before God – if we have faith in Jesus who gives grace as a gift (death on a cross – His blood) rely on Christ.
  • Abraham was considered righteous by his faith and his circumcision was a symbol of that and the promises made to Abraham.
  • Abraham’s promise that he would be father of many nations was a result of faith not law.
  • Through faith we have peace with God and access to grace. Through our suffering we grow in our endurance, character and hope.
  • Christ died for us – sinners, declared righteous by His blood.
  • Adam’s sin lead to humanity’s corruption, but Christ’s gift restores righteousness for those who believe.
  • With our belief in Christ, we now bear fruit for God instead of dead fruit.
  • Sin uses God’s law to show us our sin – the trouble is not with the law but with myself.
  • Everyone who confesses Jesus is Lord and believes that He was raised from the dead – regardless of who they are, for God is the Lord of all, will be saved.
  • However, God has not rejected His people, but some have hardened their heart towards God.
  • Because the Israelites reject the Messiah – it allows for the salvation of the Gentiles via faith.
  • At some point Israel will be restored.
  • Honor your bodies, do not chase after the world, seek His will.
  • Be humble: we each have God-given gifts (each different) and should use them but we are all part of one body, one church.
  • Let love be genuine, hate evil and serve the Lord. Let good overcome evil.
  • God is supreme authority, but has given others authority – obey it, honor it, respect it.
  • Be a light, shine love – one who loves fulfills the commandments.
  • Do not pass judgement on others or put blocks in their way, pursue peace and building others up.
  • God grants peace and joy to those who believe – given hope by Holy Spirit.
  • Paul hoped to visit Rome soon, but was sending Phoebe to them. He sent greetings to many.
  • Watch out for those who deceive and wish to create division.
  • Paul was called to be a minister to the Gentiles.

Help me to remember:

God has created us each as unique individuals, with different talents to serve the church as a whole and we alone are each responsible for our relationship with Him-it is our individual choice to have faith in what Christ has done for us.

Lord, I ask that . . .

I understand the gifts that You have given me and I ask for help in using them to the best of my ability to serve You.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

Your plan – that led to me knowing You. That You chose to send Your son to save me AND everyone else.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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