90 Days Through The Bible: Day 48: Song of Solomon

Reading Song of Solomon while married is very different than reading Song of Solomon while single. It can be difficult to understand the purpose of Song of Solomon in the Bible. It talks about sexual relations between a husband and a wife, compares a woman to a mare (definitely a good thing), references that her lover is like a young stag and many other things that at face value in today’s world may not seem romantic. But we cannot forget that marriage and all of the benefits that come with are created by God.

Even though, I have studied Song of Solomon before while single, I never really saw that three times in the scripture, it says to be patient, you cannot force love. In my impatience, I probably skipped over that (shakes my head). The bride in Song of Solomon is constantly praising her lover/husband for his positive qualities, encouraging him. It was convicting and a good reminder that, I could do better in my praise towards my husband (who folded our laundry while I was reading and taking notes on this passage). We live busy lives with two kids and jobs of our own, but we need to make time to deepen our relationship by spending time with just each other. As part of that, I need to be willing to entrust or open all of my heart to him, so that we are on the same page. If you do not have a spouse, I encourage you to wait on Him to provide for you, it will be worth the wait, and if you do have a spouse, I challenge you to entrust yourself to them.


Song Of Solomon


  • She: I love his kisses, his love, his smell and even the sound of his name, oh that I could spend time with him.
  • Daughters of Jerusalem – we rejoice for your love.
  • She: My skin is dark, but beautiful (insecure) because I worked in the vineyard.
  • She: I wish to spend more time with you.
  • He: You are the most beautiful of all women.
  • DOJ (others): We will make jewelry for you.
  • She: I am surrounded by thoughts of my beloved.
  • Their courtship deepens along with their love, time spent together outdoors.
  • She: I am a fertile beauty. He: compares her beauty – lilly compared to thorns – no comparison.
  • A warning: have patience with love, do not force it.
  • Bride to beloved: He is like a young stag – come away with me and let nothing spoil our love.
  • The bride dreams of losing her love, she dreams she find him and brings him home.
  • Encourages women to be patient with love.
  • Her groom, Solomon arrives upon a litter for the wedding and is given a wedding crown by his mother.
  • Solomon praises the beauty of his bride, describes her features.
  • He describes how he wants to consummate their marriage -> entering a garden,
  • He is invited in and they celebrate their marriage, consummating it.
  • He came to spend time with his wife, but she turned him away. Regretting it, she looks for him, but does not find him. The guards mistake her for a criminal.
  • The daughters of Jerusalem remind her that he loves her.
  • She launches into praise of her husband’s qualities: handsome, strong.
  • In response to the DOJ’s question of where is your husband?
    • He has gone to his favorite garden – me (security of relationship)
  • They spend time together and are reconciled – forgiveness
  • Solomon praises his wife and describes her beauty.
  • His bride initiates lovemaking – calling him to her.
  • She wishes she could show him affection all the time, and to be his most valued treasure.
  • Love can not be quenched or bought.
  • She recalls that she behaved virtuously while waiting for love.
  • He: asks to hear her voice
  • She: Do not delay, my beloved.

Help me to remember:

to consistently give praise to my husband and to be willing to deepen our relationship by spending time with him.

Lord, I ask that . . .

I am just as willing as she is to entrust myself to my spouse as she was on a daily basis.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

my husband and his love for me.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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