90 Days Through The Bible: Day 68: Zechariah

Zechariah felt like a hidden gem tucked away at the end of the Old Testament. It contains a ton of prophecies about the coming Messiah as well as the coming Millennial Kingdom. I did not know that it Palm Sunday and Jesus coming into the city riding on a donkey. It is incredibly comforting to know that some of the prophecies have come true and others are to follow. The Lord loves His people and is wanting to bring them back to Him. He tells them that He would bless Israel. He sends a reminder to judge honestly, show kindness and mercy to others and to remember the vulnerable. How can you remember to show kindness and mercy to others, especially in our current state of stay at home orders? I know that I can make sure I am kind to those in my home, even when I am frustrated. If I am frustrated, I can take steps to relieve that frustration by talking a walk, or praying to the Lord. I want to encourage you to find ways that you can show kindness and mercy to others or love on the vulnerable.




  • 2nd year of Darius, God called Zechariah.
    • Lord: I was very angry with your fathers – return to me and I will return to you.
  • Had a vision of a man riding a red horse in a glen with horses standing behind him.
    • Angel told him they were patrolling the earth and it was at rest. But how long will you have no mercy on Jerusalem?
    • Lord: I am only a little angry with you and very angry with other nations. I will return my mercy to you.
  • Vision of 4 horns that scattered Israel and 4 craftsman who will cast down the 4 horns.
  • Vision of a man measuring Jerusalem: Up! Escape to Zion, Lord will inherit Judah again.
  • Joshua (priest) stands before the Lord, angels and Satan. Satan is rebuked.
    • His filthy clothes were removed and given clean ones.
    • I will send my Branch and all sin will be removed one day.
  • Saw a vision of a golden lamp stand with an olive tree on each side.
    • Zerubbabel would finish rebuilding the temple.
  • A vision of a flying scroll: contained judgement against sinners.
  • Woman in a basket: the woman represented wickedness and was carried off by 2 women with wings to Babylon.
  • 4 chariots were 4 winds of heaven, sent to patrol the earth.
  • Zechariah was to take gold and silver from exiles and make a crown and put it on Joshua’s head.
    • the Branch would rule.
  • Lord chastised those who made up fasts as a result of their disobedience.
  • Render true judgements, show kindness and mercy to one another.
  • I am jealous for Zion, I will rescue my people. Just as I brought disaster to your gathers when they disobeyed, I will bring good and blessings to you now.
  • I will bring judgement against Israel’s enemies and will encamp at my house and guard my people.
  • The Lord’s armies will defeat their enemies and the Lord will save His people.
  • I will rescue my people from foreign leaders.
  • From the Lord will come the cornerstone – the foundation.
  • A coming King: will be righteous and bring salvation riding on a donkey.
  • Lord sent a good shepherd to watch over the flock (Jesus) but He was rejected, so the Lord sent a bad shepherd that cared little for the flock.
  • On that day, Jerusalem will mourn that the one they pierces was the Messiah and be cleansed of their sins.
  • When the shepherd (Jesus) is struck the sheep (disciples) will scatter.
  • 1/3 will remain and be my people.
  • One day, the city will be attacked, plundered and 1/2 will be taken captive.
    • The Lord will fight against the nations and move mountains for your escape.
  • The Lord will be King our all the earth and Jerusalem will dwell in safety.
  • Those that survive the plague and war will come yearly to worship the Lord and celebrate Feast of Booths.

Help me to remember:

You sent prophecy via Zechariah regarding Christ: on Palm Sunday, on reacting Christ, Christ was pierced for us, the disciples scattering once Jesus was struck, all of it.

Lord, I ask that  . . .

I render true judgements, show kindness and mercy to others, and not oppress the vulnerable and plan no evil against another in my heart as You asked Israel to do.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

the prophecies that have come true and those that are to be fulfilled.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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