90 Days Through The Bible: Day 56: Jeremiah 40-52

Jerusalem has fallen and almost every citizen has been carried off to Babylon. God’s promise of destruction for their idol worship has come true. Despite all of the prophecies from Jeremiah and other prophets coming true, the few remaining refused to believe him when he said not to go to Egypt. We can be so hardheaded when it comes to doing what we want, following our own plans instead of walking the path the Lord has for us. As modeled by some of the surrounding nations of Moab, the Ammonites and others who valued and trusted in their treasures instead of trusting in the Lord, our selfishness has a price.  They were wiped out as a result of their actions. Even when we are afraid, we need to have faith in God and trust in His promises, because they always fulfilled. When we become anxious or scared, those fulfilled promises are a lifeline to remembering who is actually in charge. Are there any particular verses that are a comfort to you in times of darkness, that remind us that God has the world in His hands?


Jeremiah 40-52


  • God’s promise of destruction fulfilled.
  • Jeremiah chose to remain in Judah, went to live with Gedaliah who was appointed governor.
    • Told those left to dwell and live life, don’t be afraid.
  • Gedaliah was warned that Baalis, King of Ammonites wanted to kill him, but ignored.
  • Ishmael struck down Gedaliah and killed Judean and Chaldean soldiers. He also killed visitors coming to present offerings. Threw all of the dead in a cistern.
  • Ishmael took everyone remaining at Mizpah captive.
  • Johanan took all the men against Ishmael, rescuers the captives but Ishmael escaped to the Ammonites.
  • They sought guidance from Jeremiah – stay and I will bless you, but if you go to Egypt you will meet the sword.
  • They thought Jeremiah was lying and went to Egypt anyway.
    • God will send Nebuchadnezzer to rule over Egypt, take it captive!
  • I sent destruction to Judah for idol worship and now you do the same thing in Egypt!
  • Consider the heartache that the sins of Judah brought God. Destroying His creation.
    • Do not seek great things, your reward is your life.
  • Nebuchadnezzer defeated the Egyptian army.
  • Lord will destroy the Philistines.
  • Moab will be destroyed because they trusted in their works and earthly treasures, magnifying themselves and not the Lord.
  • I will turn the Ammonites into a deserted mound for trusting in treasures.
    • But I will restore the fortunes of Ammonites.
  • Judgement on Edom: will be destroyed, become a horror.
  • Damascus will be devoured.
  • Kedar and Hazor – Nebuchadnezzer has a plan against you.
  • Elam: I will scatter them and bring disaster but will restore them at a later time.
  • I will gather nations against Babylon and I will restore Israel.
  • Babylon’s warriors will become weak and the city will be on fire.
  • Jeremiah wrote about all of the destruction that would occur to Babylon and had Seraiah read it, tie it to a rock and throw it in the river, Babylon will sink like the rock.
  • Zedekiah did evil and rebelled against Babylon. Babylon laid siege to Jerusalem and captured it. Zedekiah tried to escape and failed, was carried off to Babylon where he died.
  • Babylon burned the temple and every house. They carried off valuables.
  • King Nebuchadnezzer carried off 3,023, 11 years later took 832 captive and 5 years later another 745 people were taken, in total 4,600.
  • Evil-merodach, King of Babylon released Jehoiachin from prison during the first-year of his reign and showed him kindness.

Help me to remember:

your promises are fulfilled, your word is truth.

Lord, I ask that . . .

when I am afraid or facing difficult times, I rely on Your word for it contains fulfilled promises and promises to come that You will fulfill.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

the reassurance of fulfilled promises.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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