90 Days Through The Bible: Day 49: Isaiah 1-16

Isaiah contains a lot of prophecy about the Messiah and the coming new kingdom and warnings concerning Israel’s actions. I was most fascinated by the passage covering Isaiah observing before the Lord’s throne. I can’t imagine how much in awe he must of been. Isaiah freaked out; he felt that he was not worthy enough to be there, even through he was present for a reason. To have a seraphim take a hot coal and press it to your lips, saying that all of your sins are atoned for would overwhelm anyone. Despite his awe, Isaiah was still willing to speak up and say send me. Isaiah volunteered without hesitation to tell everyone about what was to come as a result of their behavior, even with the knowledge that there would be very little love from the Israelites. Would you be brave to go, even with the knowledge that persecution was coming?


Isaiah 1-16


  • Isaiah had a vision of Judah & Jerusalem: you have turned away from me, wicked, your enemies attack and your worship is false.
  • If you are obedient to the Lord, your sins will be washed away, but if not you will meet your demise.
  • Eventually the prophecies fulfilled – a new city – Zion redeemed.
  • At some later time, the House of the Lord will be established, : where all walk with the Lord.
  • He rules over all and we will be at peace.
  • Israel seeks fortune tellers, wealth and idols. They will be humbled before the Lord.
  • Day of Judgement before the Lord where everyone will be humbled before the Lord.
  • Because of Judah’s evil, they will be taken from their home, oppressed.
  • 4:2-6 describes return of Messiah and the new kingdom created. Zion will be washed clean.
  • Vineyard is used to describe Israel, carefully taken care of, but only yielding bad fruit.
    • As a result, God will remove His protection and they will be overrun.
  • Woe to those who are: living in excess, drunks, liars, wicked, prideful and bribe taking judges.
  • Because of Israel’s misdeeds, nations will quickly come when called to destroy Israel
  • Isaiah had a vision of the Lord on His throne, being worshipped, for He is holy. A seraphim took a hot coal to his lips and he was atoned for his sins.
  • Isaiah offered to go for the Lord. His effort would be in vain, Israel would not heed the warnings.
  • Isaiah goes to King Ahab and tells of a baby who will be born to a virgin & Israel will be destroyed.
  • Isaiah has a child with a prophetess, Maher-shalal-hash-baz.
  • Because Israel had turned God’s love/help, they would be swept away.
  • Do not follow the world, fear the Lord and trust in Him.
  • Prophecy of Jesus – a child will be born to lead – called wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace – will minister in Galilee.
  • Israel will face judgement for their wickedness – civil war & exile.
  • Woe to those who prey upon the weak: the widow, the poor, the oppressed.
  • Even through Assyria was God’s tool of punishment, they would be destroyed for their prideful/boastful behavior.
  • One day, the remnant of Israel will return to Zion – having trusted in the Lord.
  • Though the reign of David’s line is finished – the Messiah will come from his family.
  • Christ’s reign will be one of peace and harmony.
  • Prophecy: He will come a 2nd time and recover the remnant.
  • Chapter 12 – A song praising the Lord, my strength, my salvation.
  • Chapter 13 – Prophecy of Babylon: on Judgement Day, they will be destroyed.
  • At some point the Lord will restore Israel.
  • Included a taunt to say to Babylon -> compares the King to Satan.
  • Prophecy about Assyria & Philistine – destroyed by God.
  • Moab oracle: Judgement and humiliation of Moab.
    • Moab sent to Judah a letter, asking to settle but denied due to their pride.
    • In 3 years time.

Help me to remember:

there are consequences of my action,: Israel and other nations faced/will face judgement for their wickedness.

Lord, I ask that . . .

I rely on You as my strength & salvation.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

Jesus, our Messiah – for through Him our sins will be washed away.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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