90 Days Through The Bible: Day 47: Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes continues the journey through wisdom and poetry books in the Bible. King Solomon writes about how everything is fleeting and yet we are to enjoy what we have been given even though it provides no satisfaction. It seems contradictory at first, but is a reminder that we need God. Life contains no guarantees, but by trusting in the Lord we have hope.




  • Preacher = Solomon
  • There is no guarantee of benefit from your work.
  • The cycles of life and nature continue without ceasing.
  • Even memories of the past fade.
  • I, Solomon, have sought out the wisdom and everything is like chasing the wind-it can never be caught-futile.
  • I have pursued: indulgences, work/achievements, possessions, wealth but nothing was fulfilling.
  • I found that wisdom was much better than folly, but the wise die just as the foolish do.
  • Even my hard work will eventually be left to another.
  • Enjoy your life to the fullest but apart from God there is no enjoyment in life.
  • Everything has a time and place determined by God.
  • We know of eternity, but do not know what God has planned for eternity.
  • God’s gift to man: to enjoy their lives: work, food and drink as long as they live.
  • Although both man and beast return to dust, man will be judged by God and he should rejoice in serving God.
  • It is best to strike a balance between work and no work.
  • It is better to have a partner/a friend than to be alone.
  • Do not become too prideful to listen to others advice, it may lead to downfall.
  • Be thoughtful in your worship of God.
  • Corruption is everywhere.
  • A king who develops his land benefits everyone.
  • Chasing wealth does not bring peace, but anxiety.
  • Accepting the life you have been given, enjoying life to the full extent is a gift from God.
  • Riches will never satisfy.
  • It is better to enjoy today than seek the future.
  • God gives us both days of prosperity and days of adversity.
  • The wise are a blessing to others.
  • Even though the wicked may have delayed justice, the wise/those who fear the Lord will have it go well for them.
  • Man cannot know what God will do.
  • Everyone meets their death.
  • Enjoy life with your loved ones.
  • Wisdom whispered is better than foolishness shouted.
  • By taking care and thinking ahead the wise succeed.
  • Diversify your investments-you do not know the future.
  • Our duty fear God and keep His commandments.

Help me to remember:

life is fleeting and God has given us the gift to enjoy what He has given us, but most importantly we are to obey the Lord.

Lord, I ask that . . .

by serving You my life is a blessing to others.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

everything You have given me.


Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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