90 Days Through The Bible: Day 45: Proverbs 1-15

HALFWAY THERE! I feel like I am beginning to turn a corner in this project. I can’t believe how much I have learned and noticed things that I have not seen before. Proverbs is full of wisdom. It tells us that the beginning of wisdom is to fear God, to know Him. It is even more awe inspiring that the foundation of creation is wisdom. Wisdom was there first before He began to form the stars, the oceans. That is amazing to me.

I need to rely more on wisdom than my own understanding of how I think things should be. Instead of going with my ideas, I need to be having conversations with God. Are you prone to lean on Him or on yourself?


Proverbs 1-15


  • Seek wisdom, but start at the beginning: fear of the Lord.
  • Do not walk with those who sin.
  • Those who seek wisdom will be secure, but those who ignore it will eat rotten fruit.
  • Wisdom is a treasure to seek, a path to guide you.
  • Trust in the Lord and not your own understanding. Wisdom adds to your life and heals the body and soul.
  • Wisdom is the foundation of creation, make wisdom the foundation of your life.
  • Holding tight to wisdom will bring blessings to your life.
  • Do not stray from your marriage and rejoice in the love you share.
  • Do not be responsible for a neighbor’s debt, work hard, don’t be lazy or stir up trouble.
  • The Lord despises the prideful, liars, murderes, wicked plotters, false witnesses, those that make trouble on purpose and adulterers.
  • Those who commit adultery will face consequences – there is no restitution possible.
  • Wisdom will help you from falling into the trap of adultery.
  • Wisdom is more valuable than gold, silver and jewels.
  • Those who seek wisdom and follow its ways will be blessed and find favor.
  • You can follow wisdom and reap the benefits or receive the penalty for foolishness.
  • Those who speak wisdom are blessed but the wicked speak lies.
  • Hatred causes problems, but love is a soothing salve covering all.
  • The righteous are delivered, while the treacherous are captured by their own cravings, desires.
  • The fruit of the righteous are life-giving but the fruit of the wicked are death bringing.
  • The righteous are kind, but the wicked are cruel.
  • The wise listen to wisdom, the foolish laugh at it.
  • Those who have wisdom have confidence in the Lord.
  • The Lord hears the prayers of the righteous.

Help me to remember:

that wisdom is the foundation of creation – everything You have made. Help me to make wisdom the foundation of my life.

Lord, I ask that . . .

I trust in You and not my own understanding.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

the gift of wisdom and the guiding force that it is.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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