90 Days Through The Bible Day 41: Psalm 31-60

I feel like the only thing I read is David asking for deliverance from his enemies and praising the Lord for the deliverance. I realize that David had his struggles and trials and they often went to war, but it seemed like a lot of repetition. Now that I am thinking about it, how often do I ask for deliverance from the Lord? Am I truly relying on God? What does that mean? If I ask for deliverance, what am I really asking for? I view deliverance as victory over a situation, to be rid of a problem or situation with a positive outcome, and most importantly a reliance on God. As believers have been delivered from the fate of those who do not believe in Christ. Do you ask for deliverance from the Lord, do you depend on the Lord?

I was also reminded during my reading to grant mercy to others and as a reward I will be granted mercy back. Mercy is defined as compassion for someone else. During service this week, our pastor taught on Romans 14 and how as christians we are to show mercy to other believers in the form of being sensitive to what may cause others to stumble and to accept others as they are and where they are. I know that I need to get better about accepting others as they are and I am sure I am not the only one. Lately, have your actions towards others been merciful and full of grace?



Psalm 31-60


  • 31: David is in distress and petitions God for deliverance and thanks Him for it.
  • 32: Blessing of forgiveness: I confess my sin and you forgive, my guilt wiped clean.
  • 33: A psalm of praise and worship of the Lord for His awesomeness.
  • 34: Thank you Lord for your deliverance and seeking your ways can lead to a long life.
  • 35: David: Lord, deliver me from my enemies.
  • 36: Continue to show us Your steadfast love and defeat fo the wicked.
  • 37: David: trusting in the Lord leads to an inheritance and peace while the wicked will perish.
  • 38: 3 results of sin: suffering from the sin, loneliness and finally confession of the sin.
  • 39: Our lives are but a moment, Lord, please be kind to me during my life.
  • 40: Lord, thank you for Your deliverance, I will delight and trust in You. Deliver me again from my enemies.
  • 41: Those who show mercy to others will receive mercy.
  • 42: Lord, I long for You in my distress.
  • 43: Lord, I trust in You and wish to serve and fellowship with You.
  • 44: In the past you have lead us to victory; we ask You to deliver us now.
  • 45: Lord, Your kingdom reigns forever. A love story between God and His bride (us).
  • 46: God is our fortress, our deliverance and our peace..
  • 47: Praise the Lord for He loves us and He is King over ALL the earth!
  • 48: Praise the Lord and His dwelling place, Zion (Jerusalem) for God is forever.
  • 49: Listen: those who rely on their riches will not be saved when death comes.
  • 50: Asaph: gives warning that God has come to judge Israel for offering sacrifices with the wrong motive and their association with the wicked.
  • 51: David pleads for forgiveness of sin (Bathsheba) and restoration of a clean heart.
  • 52: Describes the curse of the wicked versus delight/blessing of the righteous.
  • 53: David grieves over wickedness of man and wishes for their redemption (Messiah)
  • 54: Lord, You have saved me from Ziphites and I give thanks and praise to You.
  • 55: Cast your burdens on the Lord, morning, noon and night and He will walk with me.
  • 56: When afraid or under attack, I put my trust in You, Lord for you deliver me.
  • 57: David sings praise for deliverance from Saul. Let Your glory fill the earth.
  • 58: David denounces the wicked judges and the righteous rejoice in God’s justice.
  • 59: David appeals to God to deliver Him from his enemies, You are my strength.
  • 60: With God, we will defeat our enemies.

Help me to remember:

to rely on You God, You carry our burdens, forgive us and deliver us.

Lord, I ask that . . .

I continue to cast my burdens on You: morning, noon and night.

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

the reminder to grant mercy to others as You do to me.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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