90 Days Through The Bible: Day 40-Psalm 1-30

I fell behind in my reading. I think the days of staying up late and trying to do everything finally caught up with me, so even though yesterday I started my reading, i did not finish it until today and that is okay.  Reading the Bible in 90 days is ambitious, especially when you work, and have a family, so I have chosen to give myself some grace.

The Psalms are a collection of songs, hymns and poems, most of which were written by David. There is a lot of wisdom, worship and instruction written in those passages. I took the approach of summarizing each one in a sentence for my notes. I hope that I can continually use the Psalms to continue to bear fruit by studying His law.


Psalm 1-30


  • Psalm 1: Blessed are those who study His law, they are like a tree producing fruit.
  • 2: David fleeing Absalom: I have many enemies, I will not fear the Lord for He is my protection. He will deliver me.
  • 3: While the world will suffer His wrath, we have Christ’s victory. Serve the Lord.
  • 4: You, Lord have helped me when I was in distress, I will be careful not to sin in my anger. I am safe in your arms.
  • 5: God lead me in your righteousness, cover us with protection and peace.
  • 6: David asks the Lord for deliverance from his troubles.
  • 7: David: Lord, you are my refuge, if I have sinned, punish me. God is my shield.
  • 8: How majestic is your name and the work of your hands and yet you care for man.
  • 9: I will give thanks to the Lord and give Him praise. He judges with righteousness.
  • 10: The wicked rule the earth, but you Lord are good for You are King.
  • 11: I trust in the Lord regardless of the situation. He tests everyone (righteous and wicked), but only the righteous are rewarded.
  • 12: Even though the faithful are few, You have promised to deliver them from the fate of the wicked.
  • 13: Lord, deliver me from enemies, I tryst in your love and provision. I will praise you!
  • 14: The world is filled with fools but the Lord will establish His kingdom.
  • 15: Psalm 15 describes the character of those who walk with the Lord.
  • 16: Lord, I trust in you, you are who I chose, even in death, I am safe with you.
  • 17: A prayer: protect me from my enemies for my feet have not slipped from Your path.
  • 18: You are my rock, my fortress, and my protector.
  • 19: His creation (universe) declares His glory. His law is perfect and meets our needs.
  • 20: Trust in the name of the Lord.
  • 21: David is thankful for what he’s been given: life, King of Israel, all of his blessings.
  • 22: I trust in You, Lord, even when I cannot find You, protect me from my enemies.
  • 23: David compares the Lord to a shepard who protects and cares for His flock.
  • 24: The earth is His creation, let us worship His glory.
  • 25: David asks for protection, instruction, forgiveness of his sins, and deliverance.
  • 26: I have followed in Your ways, protect me from the curse of the wicked and I will worship Your name!
  • 27: The Lord is my protector, my salvation, I will rejoice in Him!
  • 28: David: Hear my cry, rescue me from my enemies for you are my salvation, please remember to care for Your people, Israel.
  • 29: Give the Lord His glory due for His power is immeasurable.
  • 30: Lord, I worship you for the things you’ve done, you have rescued me and I will sing of your praise!

Help me to remember:

to seek You for You are my rock and my protector!

Lord, I ask that . . .

through Your salvation that you deliver me from the fate of the wicked!

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

Psalm 15, for the guidance of what my character should look like when I walk with You!

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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