Day 25: 2 Samuel 13-24

90 Days Through The Bible

In chapters 13-24 of 2 Samuel, David is facing the consequences of his sin. David’s sins were forgiven but he still had to face the consequences. The Lord had promised him that his child would die, that the sword would never depart from his house and evil would come from his own house and his wives would be taken from him in plain view of everyone.  His daughter, Tamar is raped and discarded by his son, Amnon, and a second son, Absalom, kills Amnon. Absalom grows disgruntled with David’s lack of forgiveness for killing the man who raped his sister and stages a revolt, seeking to take David’s kingdom from him.

We tend to think that if we are forgiven of our sin, we are absolved, no big deal. However, there are always consequences to our actions. Think of it this way: when we hurt someone’s feelings, it can leave a bad taste in their mouth.  They might become less likely to want to be around you, less trusting of you, especially if it becomes a common occurrence.  Eventually, this leads to them not wanting anything to do with you. While there are ways to work through the consequences of our actions, we should think before we act. Are there possible consequences that I don’t want to have to deal with? Is what I am doing the right thing? Have I asked God about what I should do?

“He said,

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,

my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,

my shield, and the horn of my salvation,

my stronghold and my refuge,

my savior; you save me from violence.

I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised,

and I am saved from my enemies.”

2 Samuel 22:2-4 ESV


2 Samuel 13-24


  • Absalom had a beautiful sister, Tamar that Amnon loved. He pretended to be ill and have Tamer take care of him, instead he raped her-then he hated her and threw her out. Tamar mourned the rest of her days. David was angry, but there were no consequences for Amnon’s raps of his sister.
  • Absalom invited all of his brothers out to Baal-hazor and instructed his servants to strike Amnon once her was drunk and kill him. Absalom fled to Gesher, David and his sons mourned Amnon’s death.
  • Joab found a way to return Absalom to court, a women poked David’s conscience, causing him to bring Absalom back. David understood that Joab was behind it. Absalom could come back as long as he stayed out of David’s presence (not forgiven).
  • Absalom grew bitter and sat at the gate siding with anyone bringing a grievance before the King – endearing himself to the people. After 4 years, Absalom staged a rebellion, even taking Ahithophel, David’s counselor over to his side.
  • David fled for his life with all of his household except for 10 concubines. David sent the ark and priests back to Jerusalem. He sent Hushai to be a counselor to Absalom and a spy who used the priest’s sons: Ahimaaz and Jonathan to send messages back to David. David prayed that Ahithophiel would become a foolish counselor. Ziba came to David’s aide.
  • Shimei (house of Saul) came out to curse David and David accepted it saying it was from God.
  • Absalom went into the 10 concubines left to keep the house, into a tent on the roof for all to see.
  • Ahithophiel wanted to take 12,000 men and hunt down David, but Hushai wanted to gather all of Israel to go after David. Absalom liked Hushai’s advice better. Hushai then had time to send a warning to David. Ahithophiel went home and hung himself.
  • David and his household were provided for by Barzillai at Mahanaim.
  • David divided the army into 3 sections, he wanted to go with, but was told to stay. He gave orders to treat Absalom gently. Absalom was found caught in a tree and Joan killed him with 3 javelins. They buried him in the forest, covered with stones.
  • Joab sent a Cushite to deliver the news, but Ahimaaz beat him telling David a lie. David mourned Absalom’s death.
  • Joab tells David off for mourning the death of the traitor, Absalom. David returned to Jerusalem and forgave his enemies: Shimei and Mephibosheth and Ziba.
  • Sheba revolted and the men of Israel took his side. David ordered Amasa to gather Judah for battle, but he delayed and was killed by Joab for his slowness to obey. Joab and Abishai chased Sheba to Abel and took siege. A wise woman asked them why? What had they done? They just wanted Sheba. She promised his to throw his head over the wall if they agreed to leave the city alone and delivered upon her promise.
  • There was a famine for 3 years, when David asked God why, He said there was guilt on Saul for killing the Gibeonites. Gibeonites demanded that 7 sons of Saul be hung in restitution. Mizpah protected the dead men from scavengers. They were buried with Saul and the famine ended.
  • Israel went to war with the Philistines, but David now had to stay home-far too old for war.
  • David wrote a song of praise/thankfulness to the Lord. He also praised the top 37 men, memorializing their deeds.
  • Despite a warning from Joab, David took a census of the people: 800,000 men. God was angry at David. He was to pick his punishment:3 years of famine, 3 months being chased by enemies or 3 days of pestilence. David picked the pestilence as he knew God would be more merciful than man.
  • David bought land from Araunah to build an altar to the Lord. He purchased the land for 50 shekels of silver and made burnt and peace offerings and saved Israel from the plague.

Help me to remember:

that there are consequences for my actions, good and bad and I can’t just talk/pray my way out of them.

Lord, I ask that . . .

You help to remind me to pause before I act. Ask me if my actions are honoring You?

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for . . .

consequences. They are reminders of my actions and guide my future behavior.

Rachel is a work-from-home mom of two beautiful children. She used to teach middle school math and science and has served in various roles within her local church with the student ministry. Rachel loves being able to watch people grow in their relationship with God, especially by showing them how to study their Bible on their own. She started Honeycomb Wisdom to help people journal their time with God and His Word.
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